Virtual DMIS™
Virtual DMIS - Overview
Virtual DMIS fully links CAD component data with the CMM inspection process and provides a real time, on-line, truly integrated software applauded for its innovation. Virtual DMIS is the benchmark for functionality and CAD integration.
Virtual DMIS meets user requirements at the top end of the pyramid, yet is programmable by all via a novel user interface including a virtual CMM/probe, selectable on-line help, computer or video generated tutorials, multi-lingual help and a number of advanced features such as High Level Language programming (macros).
With its unique Patented Iconized DMIS program interface, Virtual DMIS has created for DMIS what Microsoft Windows did for DOS - a smart and friendly program interface making DMIS usable by all.
Using the latest software development tools, and CAD and CMM industry standards, Virtual DMIS enables, without compromise, seamless collection, analysis, visualization and communication of quality data throughout the manufacturing environment, providing a full-service, software-focused approach to CMM control and Metrology based solutions.
Developed with the Dimensional Measurement Interface Standard (DMIS) as its' foundation, Virtual DMIS is engineered to fully utilize the power and capabilities of this measuring technology standard.
Virtual DMIS Pro+ is for users who work without CAD models. Virtual DMIS Pro+ offers the ideal solution, with 3D part graphics being created as you measure with FULL DMIS Read and Write capability. Features can be selected from the graphic viewer for subsequent analysis. The full range of functionality provides a powerful metrology solution including High Level Language support for advanced programming capabilities and optional MS-Excel spreadsheet integration.
Virtual DMIS CAD+ adds the ability to read IGES, STEP and VDA files and to export measured data in IGES format. Unlike some systems, Virtual DMIS CAD+ includes all the functionality needed to measure and evaluate curves and surfaces. Virtual DMIS Pro+ users can upgrade to Virtual DMIS CAD+ at any time for a nominal upgrade charge.
Virtual DMIS CAD++ includes all the features of Virtual DMIS CAD+ as well as adding Virtual SURF for creating 3D surfaces from point clouds - giving users full surface reverse engineering capabilities.
Active MatrixTM adds the ability to utilize virtually every CAD format available today, including native CATIA V4 and V5, ProE and Unigraphics. Models can be viewed, cleaned up and prepared for measurement without having to install a copy of Virtual DMIS. Whichever version of Virtual DMIS you select, you can be confident that you are building your enterprise's metrology future on a sound foundation of industry standards with continuing development on three continents.
Non Functional Features
- Easy to use User Interface